Demo videos with OBS Studio
I want to be able to create really good looking demo and talking heads videos that integrate well into this website. One approach would be to make the background colour of the videos the same as the page. Lets see what that looks like with this little video about my setup:
That works quite well right? The audio is good, the video quality is reasonable. I’m pleased to have the background colour consistent with the background of my website. The switching with Steam Deck works well.
There is a very faint line around the video when I’m recording my screen. I think I can fix that (yes I know I’m a bit obsessive about these details and this is a waste of time). Here’s another one:
Looking good! Having me kind of floating on the page isn’t great from a design point of view, I may add a line under the video or something like that. But not now.
I am using Vimeo to host my videos — the cheapest account that costs €69 a year. I use that because it allows me to add the videos without all the other stuff that YouTube videos have. Also I sometimes do videos for clients, which I don’t want to be public.
As I am using Quarto for my web pages so I can include videos from Vimeo just by adding a simple tag in the page. Quarto handles all the iframe stuff. Tomorrow I will finish the essay I am writing about how I maintain this website, and I’ll add a video using the techniques I’ve been experimenting with today.