Quarto notation in Bear


October 9, 2024

This is a test to see what Quarto notation I can use in Bear that will be transferred to Quarto.


This should be a callout note:


Note that there are five types of callouts, including: note, tip, warning, caution, and important.

Here’s an important thing:


OMG this is so important!

And a warning:


Danger, danger! This is warning!

Line block

A line block allows spaces and newlines to be retained.

Line Block
  Spaces and newlines
  are preserved
  What about tabs? This line has a tab.

Full screen width.

This should span the entire width. If there was an image here, it should span the entire width of the page. Nunc eros eros, bibendum sed lorem eget, pharetra lobortis quam. Quisque a ipsum ullamcorper, facilisis mauris pharetra, egestas diam. Maecenas velit nisl, blandit vitae pulvinar in, tristique condimentum lacus. In purus ex, sodales id nunc in, faucibus condimentum elit. Mauris fermentum est non nulla venenatis, sed porttitor justo vestibulum. Vestibulum viverra, augue non gravida fringilla, orci nisi luctus ante, a tempor arcu arcu et lorem. Cras porttitor libero eu velit faucibus, sed tempor nibh cursus. Ut et leo ut risus feugiat maximus. Suspendisse finibus ultrices mauris vitae dictum. Praesent malesuada nisi non urna auctor blandit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris lorem erat, dapibus in elit sit amet, pharetra eleifend ipsum. Vestibulum ipsum nisl, feugiat sit amet lobortis sit amet, dictum eget odio. Fusce maximus posuere neque vel auctor.

Right margin

You can place content within the right margin of Quarto document. For example, here we use the .column-margin class to place an image in the margin:

We know from the first fundamental theorem of calculus that for \(x\) in \([a, b]\):

\[\frac{d}{dx}\left( \int_{a}^{x} f(u)\,du\right)=f(x).\]


Asides allow you to place content aside from the content it is placed in. Asides look like footnotes, but do not include the footnote mark (the superscript number).

This is a span that has the class aside which places it in the margin without a footnote number.


By default, Bear highlights do not work in Quarto. I will need to deal with this in my script.

This is a test of highlighting in Bear and whether it transfers to Quarto. The first highlight was green, the second red. I don’t think these will translate to Quarto, at least not the colours. Let’s see.

Here are all the available colours for highlights, seven in total.